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- €2.80
Riso fritto istantaneo con gamberetti - Mama 80 g.
ข้าวผัดกุ้ง - Instant Fried Thai Jasmine Rice with Shrimps and Curry Powder - €2.80
Riso fritto istantaneo con curry rosso e gamberetti - Mama 8...
ข้าวผัดพริกแกงแดง - Instant Fried Thai Jasmine Rice with Thai Red Curry and Shrimps - €1.80
Preparato per Nasi Goreng riso fritto indonesiano - A.H.G. 5...
นาซีโกเร็ง - Spice Paste for Indonesian Nasi Goreng Sambal Fried Rice - €2.20
Biscotti al cocco con marmellata di ananas - Dolly's 70g.
ขนมปังกะทิสับปะรด - Coconut Flavoured Biscuits with Ananas Jam - €3.99
Salsa agrodolce con coriandolo e lime - Thai Dancer 300 ml.
น้ำจิ้มผักชีมะนาว ตรานางรำ - Coriander and Lime Sauce with Chilli, Garlic and Vinegar - €1.80
Preparato per riso saltato alla cantonese - A.H.G. 50g.
Spice Paste for Cantonese Stir-Fried Rice - €4.09
Riso thai jasmine integrale sottovuoto - Sawat-D 1kg
ข้าวกล้อง - Vacuum Packed Jasmine Brown Rice - €3.49
Snack di mandorle ricoperte con crema e biscotti - HBAF 120g...
Cookies and Cream Coated Almonds - €2.80
Riso fritto istantaneo con curry verde e pesce - Mama 80 g.
ข้าวผัดแกงเขียวหวาน - Instant Fried Thai Jasmine Rice with Thai Green Curry and Fish - €1.70 €1.2029% di sconto
Bevanda al cocco con Nata de Coco - Mogu Mogu 320 ml.
เครื่องดื่มโมกุโมกุ รสมะพร้าวผสมวุ้นมะพร้าว - Coconut Drink with "Nata de Coco" - €2.99
Salsa di soia leggera per condimento - Maggi Vietnam 300ml.
Nước tương Maggi đậu nành - Maggi Seasoning Soy Sauce - €1.95 €0.9850% di sconto
Biscottini Koala's March ripieni gusto cheesecake - Lotte 37...
Koala's March Biscuits with Cheesecake Cream Filling - €3.80
Riso pronto con salsa green curry - Thai Delight 330g.
ข้าวราดแกงเขียวหวานพร้อมรับประทาน Ready-to-Eat Cooked Rice with Green Curry Sauce, Bamboo Shoots and Baby Corn - €1.49
Instant noodles OK gusto stir-fried Salted Egg - Mama 85g.
Stir-Fried Instant Noodles Salted Egg Flavour